Ceasefire holds.
Please in your (maskless and face-to-face!) weekend conversations with friends and neighbors ask about their on-the-ground views regarding the following matters and report back:
1. Are Americans fed up with gun violence and demanding action – or inured to it all?
2. Is an increase in crime generally shaping new attitudes about the political parties and current policies?
3. How big a challenge/crisis is it that employers around the country are having a tough time finding workers for open jobs?
4. What kind of financial and human pain are astronomical housing prices inflicting currently – and is the bubble poised to burst at some point, causing more pain?
5. In what parts of their lives and grocery carts are folks most feeling and dreading inflation?
6. Do Biden voters who live on or near the Mexican border believe the immigration situation is (or is getting) under control?
7. Who wants Donald Trump (back) in their electronic lives? (The Washington Post suggests the number is low…)
8. Who is interested in, curious about, or suspicious over the circumstances of Jeffrey Epstein’s death?
9. Should Wide World of News be supported with voluntary subscriptions or contributions?
You can also become a voluntary contributor by emailing markhalperintalk@gmail.com and arranging to give any amount of your choice.
10. What do Biden and Trump voters think about Ron DeSantis? (Yes, I talked to another focus group session about that topic, and the results will (not) surprise you.)
Have a fantastic Saturday.
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