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For Joe Biden:
SEOUL — North Korea said on Sunday that President Biden had made “a big blunder” by calling its nuclear arsenal a threat last week, and it warned that the United States would face “a very grave situation” if it maintained its “hostile policy” toward Pyongyang.
The statement, attributed to a senior official, was one of three that the North released on Sunday directed at the United States and its ally South Korea. They included warnings that the North might respond to the Biden administration’s recent statements about the country with unspecified “corresponding measures.”
PRO TIP: Pay attention to what the Hermit Kingdom does, not what it says – since it says a bunch of stuff all the time.
For Republican elected officials who want to chart a path away from the domination of Donald Trump:
PRO TIP: Don’t try this at home (or in front of a roomful of MAGAheads) unless you are less afraid of losing your job than you are of losing sight of your principles.
For journalists everywhere:
The New York Times, Washington Post and NBC News all issued retractions Saturday for their coverage of Rudy Giuliani following a raid of his Manhattan apartment by the FBI. (New York Post)
PRO TIP: Ask yourselves why your sources gave you bad information – and why you believed it.
For policy makers and historians:
PRO TIP: Retriple your efforts to overcome vaccine doubt – because this isn’t going to happen on its own.
For candidates for public office:

PRO TIP: The only thing you have to say to a TMZ camera when you aren’t prepared is “Good morning.”
For regular readers of Wide World of News:
PRO TIP: You can read this newsletter for free, but you might want to consider helping support independent journalism by becoming a voluntary subscriber or financial contributor.
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