If you missed my Sunday scoop about the Friday private meeting in Texas between some of the Republicans’ top 2024 presidential prospects and 300 of the Lone Star State’s biggest donors, you can catch up with it right here and now.
Thanks to the source who sent the schedule above — all y’all should feel free to keep shoving more details from the session (and the aftermath) over the digital transom my way.
Here is my conversation with California Republican gubernatorial candidate John Cox, in which he discusses why he would like the job, the challenges the state is facing on housing and homelessness, and what it takes for a Republican to succeed in California today.
Readers come to Wide World of News for answers.
Life can be filled with disappointment.
On the most important issues facing the Republic, the best I can do for you this morning is to frame the main unresolved questions and, where possible, offer up tentative hints about the eventual outcomes.
The good news: in Wednesday’s edition, we will have all the answers.
ENJOY! (where possible)
UNRESOLVED: How to deal with the disruption in the space-time continuum caused by these two tweets:

UNRESOLVED: Will Joe Biden go bipartisan — or reconciliation — on infrastructure?
The president plans a Wednesday meeting with the four top congressional leaders and a Thursday session with Republican senators Capito, Barrasso, Blunt, Crapo, Toomey, and Wicker, while the Wall Street Journal nicely frames the confusing state of play.
UNRESOLVED: Is inflation about to become the dominant reality for real people and the news business?
Americans accustomed to years of low inflation are beginning to pay sharply higher prices for goods and services as the economy strains to rev back up and the pandemic wanes.
Price tags on consumer goods from processed meat to dishwashing products have risen by double-digit percentages from a year ago….
1:15 PM THE PRESIDENT delivers remarks on the economy; THE VICE PRESIDENT also attends.
UNRESOLVED: What are the next three cards Liz Cheney plans to play?
UNRESOLVED: What does America intend to do about firearm violence?
A gunman killed six members of an extended family Sunday at a birthday party at a mobile home in Colorado Springs before turning the gun on himself, police said, in what appears to be the fourth deadliest mass shooting in state history, tied for the deadliest mass murder in the city's history. (The Gazette)
UNRESOLVED: What does Team Biden plan to do about the Colonial pipeline attack – and the broader issue of cyberwarfare?
A pipeline that provides the East Coast with nearly half its gasoline and jet fuel remained shuttered on Sunday after yet another ransomware attack, prompting emergency White House meetings and new questions about whether an executive order strengthening cybersecurity for federal agencies and contractors goes far enough even as President Biden prepares to issue it.
UNRESOLVED: Can congressional negotiators on policing reform find a deal?
Jim Clyburn opens the door a little wider with weekend remarks on qualified immunity.
UNRESOLVED: On the pandemic, how to get the rest vaccinated, what’s happening with masks, are kids going to have real school in the fall, and so many more?

UNRESOLVED: Is a nuclear deal with Iran inevitable or impossible?
[A[fter five weeks of shadow boxing in Vienna hotel rooms — where the two sides pass notes through European intermediaries — it has become clear that the old deal, strictly defined, does not work for either of them anymore, at least in the long run.
UNRESOLVED: Is the Gates divorce a five-day story or one of the five biggest tales of 2021?
You will need to read the latest in the Wall Street Journal to begin to develop a strong view on that question.
Sunday, I misspelled “acclamation.”
[Insert your own joke here.]
I regret the error.
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