I hear you ask: What should you get for the birthday of your favorite newsletter writer?
Certainly, you wouldn’t want to do anything that would make work for me!
As in here:
A Seamless gift card would be nice (especially if you are already a paying subscriber or contributor to WWoN).
A scooter would be brilliant and smashing.
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For all the latest news all the time, check out the 24/7 website the Walking Duck.
* President Biden plans to go to war against the filibuster in afternoon Georgia remarks, while some voting rights groups go to war against President Biden’s plans to go to war against the filibuster (they say this is too little too late), and Senator McConnell threatens to escalate the war in the Senate beyond the nuclear level if Senate Democrats go to war against the filibuster.
* Chicago teachers declare a truce.
* Russia does nothing to head off war in first day of European talks but the New York Times says Putin’s movement of helicopters around Ukraine escalates the chances of war.
* North Korea does more missiling – because the Hermit Kingdom always wants the world to think it is ready for war.
* Two Wall Street Journal columnists say President Biden is projecting weakness around the world, suggesting that that makes war more likely.
* The Washington Post scoops that the Biden administration is considering escalating the mask war by recommending folks wear better face coverings.
* The Post ed board says Team Biden is losing the inflation war, while Jerome Powell talks about fighting said war.
* Mike Pence considers going to war with the 1/6 committee.
* Confident prediction made here Monday to the contrary, Alabama surrendered in the night’s longest and most important war, leaving me up to see the advent of 1/11/22.
See you tomorrow, right here.
Peace out.